Vacation Bible School (VBS) Registration Please fill out only 1 form per family. Full Name* Mobile Phone Number* Email* Street Address* City* State* Zip Code* # of Children Attending VBS* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name of all Children Attending VBS Age of all Children Attending VBS* Gender of All Children Attending VBS* Name(s) of special friend your child might like to be with In Case Of Emergency Information In case of emergency contact full name* In case of emergency phone number* Allergies or other medical conditions of children attending VBS Stay in the loop! Do you currently attend Pekin First Church of God?* Yes No If no, do you currently attend another church? Yes No Would you like to receive email updates about any of the below? Upcoming Family Events/Event Updates Church Announcements and Updates Upcoming Community Events Submit Marketing by ActiveCampaign